Bear Ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6 v2)
To unite for the glory of God in one fellowship of prayer and service, girls and women throughout the world, to promote friendship and to uphold Christian standards in thought, word and deed.
Prayer of the Society:
O God our Father, we beseech thee to bless us and all who belong to the Girls’ Friendly Society. Help us to bear one another’s burdens, to live not for ourselves but for others, as members of one family in Jesus Christ; cleanse us from our sins, make us pure and holy by the indwelling of thy spirit, and bring us all to the joy of thy heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.

The GFS in Armagh Diocese:

At present there are 16 branches in Armagh Diocese:
Annaghmore, Ballymore, Clonfeacle, Derrygortreavy, Donaghmore, Lissan, Loughgall, Milltown, Mullabrack, Newmills, Richhill, St Columba, St Marks Portadown, Tartaraghan, Armagh Diocesan Townsend and Milltown Townsend.

Age groups:
Junior Candidates 3 -5 yrs, Candidates 5 - 7 yrs, Junior members 7 - 11 yrs, Members 11 - 15 yrs, Senior Members 15 - 21 yrs, Townsend members over 21 yrs.

Officials in Armagh Diocese:
Diocesan President - Jennifer Norris
Diocesan Secretary - Leeanne Wright
Diocesan Treasurer - Caroline Smyth

Link to GFS website: