Remembrance Day 2018

This year Remembrance Sunday falls on the 11th November and has the additional significance
of it also being the Centenary of the Armistice.
Throughout these islands in market squares and churches,
Acts of Remembrance will take place and those who served their country and who paid
the supreme sacrifice will be remembered.

On this significant anniversary when the events of 100 years ago will be recalled,
the Dean of Armagh, the Very Revd Gregory Dunstan, has at the invitation of the Archbishop,
written a special prayer to be used in our Remembrance Services in the diocese.
We are grateful to the Dean for his thoughtfulness in writing such poignant and meaningful words.


God, whose stillness is beyond our striving,
as on this day the guns fell silent,
we remember those whose bodies in the years of war
were committed to the earth or sea,
those whose name alone remains,
and those who, each day following,
bore in silence the wounds of body, mind and spirit
and the aching of their grief;
So now, as their generation is embraced in the fullness of your stillness,
may we, in ours, pursue in justice the peace and wholeness of your Kingdom,
in which none shall die before their time and all fulfil the hope of their birth;
through him whose stillness stilled the sea,
your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.