Diocese of Armagh - Information Evening on The Bereavement Journey
Where: Royal Hotel Cookstown
Date: Tuesday 18th March 2025
Time: 7.30 pm

This is an event to find out more about the Bereavement Journey everyone is welcome. Questions about how to run a course, what support is available, and have your questions answered. Outline of course The Bereavement Journey is a special opportunity for learning about the process of grief, and through this working together over seven weeks to develop ways of coping as well as collective support. The programme is for everyone who has been bereaved in any way and at any time. Featuring weekly meetings, each lasting two hours, the delivery of the programme involves several facilitators (depending on the number of participants) providing a series of videos on a range of topics - attachment, separation and loss; the pain and responses of grief; anger and guilt; coping with others reactions; delayed and suppressed grief; adjusting to change; moving forward healthily. Each week there are two videos, followed by group discussion, during which participants are invited to contribute, however nobody should feel pressured into speaking at any time. To encourage participation from people who have experienced differing forms of loss, as well as people from throughout the community, the faith element of the programme is retained until the final week, during which participation is optional. Experience has however informed us that the majority of participants undertake all seven weeks. The programme has run for three consecutive years in St Mark’s Armagh, each very positively evaluated, and we would value the opportunity to support a spread in the delivery of this programme throughout the diocese. An opportunity to meet with other parishes, to summarise the Bereavement Journey programme and then discuss how we might support local delivery in other churches, is something we would welcome.

If you are planning to attend please inform Valerie Thom:
phone number 07736644051 or email:Valeriethom2@btinternet.com

Thank you.