General Synod 2015 report


The Church of Ireland General Synod 2015 took place in Armagh
from Thurs 7th May to Sat 9th May.

Here is a flavour of what happened and what it’s all about.


General Synod is sometimes referred to as “The Parliament” of the Church of Ireland. While significant time is spent on legislative matters and governance as laid down in our Constitution,  there  is still plenty of time for thought and discussion on important issues concerning our mission and outreach in God’s world. Our place in the world, how we influence it and what we strive to be as we reach into God’s future for us.

It is also a fantastic space for meeting and sharing time with friends
- old and new.



Some of the most passionate speeches, real life stories and challenges to take away, came from the sessions on:

1. Reaching Out To Others - The Council For Mission Report and Motion encouraging  prayer for persecuted Christians.

Read full Report

2. Support for Youth Ministry – The Church of Ireland Youth Department Report.

Read full Report

3. Commission on Ministry - highlighting new developments and new church "planting"

Read full Report


Archdeacon Andrew suggested that while our key decisions on a Sunday were whether we stay in bed or go to church and how much we place on the collection plate; our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters faced the decision of dying for Christ or denying Him.

Perhaps the most truly moving time of our 3 days together was when the following poem “ Two Rows By the Sea” was read and we reflected on the execution of 21 Egyptian Christians by ISIS in March 15.

Two Rows By the Sea
Two rows of men walked the shore of the sea,
On a day when the world’s tears would run free. 
One a row of assassins, who thought they did right, 
The other of innocents, true sons of the light. 
One holding knives in hands held high, 
The other with hands empty, defenseless and tied.
One row of slits to conceal glaring-dead eyes, 
The other with living eyes raised to the skies. 
One row stood steady, pall-bearers of death, 
The other knelt ready, welcoming heaven’s breath.
One row spewed wretched, contemptible threats, 
The other spread God-given peace and rest. 
A Question… Who fears the other? 
The row in orange, watching paradise open? 
Or the row in black, with minds evil and broken?


A summary of each day’s proceedings can be found by clicking the following links

Thursday 7th May

Friday 8th May

Saturday 9th May

Click here for Photo Gallery from General Synod 2015

Some of the participants from Armagh Diocese:

Archbishop Richard

Archdeacon Andrew Forster

                                Ethne Harkness

Dean Gregory Dunstan

Helen McClenaghan

Bill Brodison


Revd Bill Aikins