Congratulations, best wishes and blessings to Very Revd Shane Forster
who has been conferred as Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral Armagh (via Zoom)
In a short online service (via Zoom) on Sunday 14th February 2021,
Canon Shane Forster, previously Rector of Ballymore Parish in Tandragee, was conferred to his new position
as the Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh.
Archbishop John McDowell paid tribute to Shane's abilities and skills as a clergy person and also his hard work as Executive Chaplain to successive Archbishops of Armagh. Prayers were said for God's blessing on the Forster family
and the ongoing ministry and witness of our Cathedral Church.
The necessary Declarations were made by Canon Shane Forster, by Canon Colin Moore as Provincial Registrar
and Canon Norman Porteus, the Precentor of the Cathedral.
The service ended with The Blessing and the traditional round of applause for the new Dean.