On Sunday 23 February 2025 a joint Family Service was held with over 100 people in attendance.
The service included the Dedication of a beautiful new Stained glass window in memory of
the Gilmore Family which recognised their generous bequest to Brackaville Parish Church.
The window was designed and installed by:
● CWS Design Stained Glass Studios
Mr Colin and Mrs Avril Suckling, CWS Design Stained Glass Studio, were in attendance for the dedication along with parishioners from the other Churches in the Parish Group and members of the local Coalisland community who knew the Gilmore family.
The Stained glass window was dedicated by the Rector, Revd Canon Matthew Hagan MBE.
After the service everyone present was treated to a delicious free 3-course lunch in Brackaville Parish Hall.
Thanks are expressed to the local businesses who supplied the delicious food:
● Lowe Bros Master Butchers Stewartstown for the Vegetable soup and Potato and Leek soup
● Newell Stores Coalisland for the sandwiches
● Linda's Bakery for the apple tart
Thank you to everyone who helped today in any way.
It is greatly appreciated.
Hebrews 13 v 16 "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased'