Guild of Readers
Warden: Revd. Canon M. C. Kennedy, M.A., B.D. (TCD), Ph.D. (OU).
Assistant Warden: The Revd S.A. Pragnell, B.A. (Hull), M.A. (D.C.U), B.Th. (TCD)
Assistant Warden
The Revd Sandra Pragnell, Rector of Dundalk, was appointed by the Archbishop of Armagh as Assistant Warden of Readers following the sad death of Mr Alan Stracey, and she was installed in office at a service in St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh on Thursday 22nd June 2006. The appointment has been widely welcomed.
Diocesan Readers
There are at present seventeen Diocesan Readers, with one applicant and there are also two retired Readers. One former Diocesan Reader, Mr Matthew Hagan has been ordained deacon and is now in the Non-Stipendiary Ministry. Three Diocesan Readers, Mr William McCracken, Mr William Anderson and Miss Amelia McWilliams are in training for the Non-Stipendiary Ministry.
Parish Readers
Nine new Parish Readers were commissioned by the Archbishop of Armagh at a service held in St Patrick's Cathedral on Thursday June 22nd. There are at present thirty Parish Readers, and four applicants. One Parish Reader, Mr Alan Irwin, is in training for the stipendiary (full-time) ministry.
Selection and training
Any person (man or woman) wishing to be considered for training as a Reader should approach his or her rector, whose assessment in confidence will be required. The applicant is then interviewed by the Candidates' Committee, consisting of ex officio the Archdeacon of Armagh, the Warden of Readers, the Diocesan Director of Ordinands, and the Co-coordinator of Studies, which reports to the Archbishop, whose decision determines whether or not the person is to be accepted for training. At the conclusion of the course, assuming that the trainee has been found suitable in every respect, there is a public service of commissioning.
A Parish Reader's license is for five years (or until there is a vacancy in the parish) but is renewable at the discretion of the Archbishop. During a vacancy in the parish the Archbishop may gives permission to officiate to Parish Readers on a case by case basis.Under regulations approved by the General Synod and incorporated into the 2004 edition of the Book of Common Prayer Readers may administer both Bread and Cup as required.All readers (and those in training) are encouraged to have fellowship in the Guild of Readers which meets for an annual Quiet Day in Armagh and on other occasions.